Saturday, June 14, 2008


Another recipe from RASA. The recipe was so simple, was a bit skeptical at first but it turned out surprisingly good!

Bahan-bahan :

1 liter air
100g cendawan Shitake & cendawan tiram
250g ikan bilis
125 ml sos ikan
4 sudu kecil tepung jagung
1 sup bunjut Adabi
2 biji telur
Lada sulah dan garam secukup rasa

Cara :

Cendawan shitake direndam dengan sedikit air panas sehingga lembut. Potong/recik kedua jenis cendawan.

Didihkan air dan masukkan ikan bilis dan dididih selama ½ jam.

Keluarkan ikan bilis tersebut dididihkan semula kemudian masukkan pula cendawan dan sos ikan dan biarkan mendidih sekali lagi baru masukkan sup bunjut, lada sulah dan garam.

Akhir sekali masukkan tepung jagung yang telah dibancuh dengan sedikit air dan juga telur yang telah dikacau sedikit.Kacau perlahan-lahan, masukkan hirisan daun bawang dan daun sup.


Mega delicious, super easy dish. Creamy yet spicy, a definite finger licking good dish. Tried this from RASA magazine (I’m a faithful collector). Try it!

Bahan-bahan :

600gm udang sederhana besar
1 tangkai daun kari
5 tangkai cili padi (dipotomg-potong)
200ml susu isian sejat (evaporated milk)
100gm mentega (butter)
Garam dan gula secukup rasa

Cara :

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali (pastikan minyak betul-betul panas) masukkan udang dan goring udang sehingga kemerahan, angkat dan toskan.
Masukkan mentega dalam periuk lain, bila dah berbuih, masukkan susu isian sejat. Kacau sebati sehingga agak pekat.
Masukkan garam, gula, cili padi, udang dan daun kari. Gaul rata dan tutup api.

Note : I never add sugar as the evaporated milk is sweet enough. Make sure to taste the seasoning and adjust accordingly.

Thai Green Chicken Curry

Nice one to try once in a while. This dish souldn't be too hot as the green curry paste is spicy enough.

1/4 cup coconut cream (thick santan)
2 Tb green curry paste (bought)
350 gm chicken pieces
13/4 cups coconut milk (thin santan)
21/2 Tb fish sauce
1 Tb palm sugar
350 gm eggplant, diced or Thai eggplant
50g galangal, julienned
7 kaffir lime leaves
a handful of Thai basil
red chillies for garnish

How to:

Put the coconut cream in a wok or saucepan and simmer over a medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until the cream separates and a layer of oil forms on the surface. Stir the cream if it starts to brown on the edges. Add the curry paste, stir well to combine and cook until fragrant.

Add the chicken and stir for a few minutes. Add nearly all of the coconut milk, the fish sauce and palm sugar and simmer over a medium heat for another 5 minutes.

Add the eggplants and cook, stirring occasionally for about 5 minutes or until the eggplants are cooked. Add the galangal and kaffir lime leaves. Taste, and then adjust the seasoning if necessary. Spoon into a serving bowl and sprinkle with the last bit of coconut milk, as well as the basil leaves and chili slices.

My Special Shrimp Cocktail

This is one fabulous dish! It's simple yet stylish and will get you rave reviews. Made it for Imran (my nephew) first birthday last month. The sweet juicy taste of boiled shrimp just mixed scrumptiously with the tangy mangoes and the slightly spicy dressing. Try it!

Ingredient :

1 kg medium size shrimp / prawn
1-2 ripe mangoes
Thousand Island Sauce
Butterhead or Curly lettuce (or other type of lettuce, up to you)

Peel and clean shrimp/prawn. Boil in salted water until just cooked, about 4 minutes.
Peel and dice mangoes. Put both ingredients in the fridge up until serving time (the cocktail is served cold).

Before serving : Prepare lettuce on either individual cocktail glasses or one big bowl (as in my photo), scatter the diced mangoes interchangeably with the cold, boiled shrimp/prawn. Dress with the Thousand Island Sauce to your liking. Serve as appertizer. Yumm!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Seafood Stir Fry

Another Thai style concoction. Wanted to finish up seafood n pak choy from the fridge, whipped this one in just a few minutes. Real easy and tasty too!

500 gm seafood mix of choice
200 gm pak choy, chopped
4-5 garlic cloves, minced finely
2 long red chillies, seeded and minced finely
6 Holy/sweet Thai basil leaves, finely chopped
1 1/2 Tb oyster sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
pinch of salt or as needed
3 Tb vegetable oil for frying

Heat oil, sautee garlic and chillies till fragrant and garlic started to turn light brown. Add the seafood, pak choy, basil, oyster sauce, sugar and salt. Stir fry for 2-3 minuts maximum. Dish out and serve with rice.

Siakap Tiga Rasa (Deep Fried Fish With Three Flavoured Sauce)

Okay, tried this from a Thai recipe book. The sauce was a bit thick coz added extra shallots. But the taste was outstanding. Bear in mind it's not exactly the same as the normal Tiga Rasa dish we get at the stalls. You can use any kind of fish for this one (sea bream, red snapper or grey mullet are best). Nice to try for Thai food enthusiasts!

1 chosen type of fish

3 Tb plain flour

pinch of ground black pepper

vegetable oil, for deep frying

4-5 garlic cloves

5 long red chillies, seeded

4-5 Asian shallots

3 coriander roots

3 Tb palm sugar

2 Tb fish sauce

3 Tb tamarind puree or lime juice

a few Holy basil leaves for garnish

Clean and gut the fish, leaving the head on. Pat dry with kitchen towel. Score the fish on both sides with a sharp knife.

Rub the fish with a pinch of salt. Put the flour and ground pepper on a plate and press the fish lightly until coated with flour from head to tail. Shake off any excess. Heat the oil and deep fry the fish until it is cooked and light brown in color. Drain and keep warm.

While the fish is cooking, pound or blend/process the garlic, shallots, chillies & coriander roots into a rough paste.

Heat 1 Tb oil in a wok and stir fry the chili paste over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until fragrant. Add the palm sugar, fish sauce and tamarind puree or lime juice. Cook for 2-3 minutes until sugar has dissolved. Pour the warm chilli sauce over the cooked fish and garnish.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rendang Rusa Minang

I don't recall coming across any English written recipe on deer meat. Or is it called by another name? Anyways, this waas a successful attempt at rendang, it can be adapted to any type of meat.

Bahan-bahan ( 4 org )
300 gm daging rusa (atau daging pilihan)
1 biji kelapa (santan)
2 sudu besar kerisik
2 batang serai - diketuk
2 helai daun limau purut
1 helai daun kunyit - diracik halus
Sedikit minyak
Garam & gula secukup rasa

1 inci lengkuas
1 inci halia
1/2 inci kunyit hidup
10 ulas bawang merah
4 ulas bawang putih
5 tangkai cili padi
5 tangkai cili kering

Potong daging mengikut urat selebar 2cm atau bentuk kiub. Bersihkan dan tos airnya.
Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar hingga naik bau.
Masukkan daging dan gaul sebati. Kemudian masukkan santan, serai dan daun kunyit. Kacau perlahan-lahan.
Bila hampir kering, masukkan kerisik. Tambah garam dan gula secukup rasa.
Akhir sekali masukkan daun limau purut. Masak lagi dalam 5 minit atau hingga daging empuk. Biar lama sikit atas api jika mahukan rendang yang agak kering.
NOTA : Kebetulan dapat daging rusa. Petua ibu, daging rusa enak dimasak menggunakan resepi berempah supaya hilang bau daun kayu (rusa makan daun). Rusa haiwan berlari i.e dagingnya padat, takde lemak lansung, tapi memang enak! Selamat mencuba! :-)